So I seen this post in a group about this product that can help your cuticles and make your nails grow. So I bought it, wasn't really sure about it so I took a look on the website and noticed you could try it for free as long as you pay shipping ($3.99 was the price for that). Now I will admit my nails are looking pretty bad. The cuticles and around my nails are very dry. My nails are also peeling, chipping and fully breaking off. I have tried a bunch of other products and they just didn't help. Most of my nails have gone short because of the breaking. I do have a few nails that are in good shape, are long, hard but well they are stained.
I will be the first to admit I am brutal on my nails. I am a busy person. 1st I am a mom to a special needs child who can't got to the bathroom on his own, needs a diaper, needs you to hand feed him, and is non verbal. He is 10 and you can see more about him on his facebook page, we have started a G+ page but we are working on that lol Plus a lovely little girl who thinks she is a teen when she is only 5yr old. She says she is already asking for a YouTube account. lol My kids keep me on my toes. Its Not easy being me, but I rock at being me. Cleaning the house haha ya well that comes last. If I clean it another mess follows. So I do most when the kids are in school or sleeping. See lots of damage lol Anyways here I am starting off on November 2nd of 2015. I will update this as the next 4 weeks go along so I can go with my thoughts and give you updated pictures. Stay tuned :)
I noticed right off the bat it smelled nice. It also looks greasy but isn't which is different but I like that. I rubbed my nails and cuticles down with it. I can say I really like it so far. 2-3×s a day shouldn't be hard to keep up with.
After about 3 weeks of doing this i stopped Not because i didn't want to do it! It's i am a very busy person to keep up with that! It's great stuff and it will grow your nails just like it says. So if i was asked if i would recommend this to other's YES I WOULD!!!
There is a group where u can go in and ask questions and show your natural nails! I will look for the details and i will come in and edit this post to add the information!!! :)
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